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Suite 5A, Level 1, 1-17 Elsie Street

Burwood NSW 2134


(02) 8090 8010


The clouding of the natural lens of the eye is called a cataract. Imagine the eye to be a special room - it has an outside window, the cornea, behind which lies the curtain, the iris. Behind this curtain is the inside window, the lens. Both windows of the eye have to be transparent to allow clear transmission of light. When the inside window, the natural lens, becomes cloudy it blurs vision and is called a cataract. Cataracts are not a growth or a film growing on the surface of the eye.
How does a cataract affect my eye?

Cataracts blur vision for reading and distance. They can also cause glare by scattering light especially while driving at night. In the vast majority of cases cataracts do not cause pain or discomfort.  In very advanced cases cataracts can precipitate acute glaucoma and cause pain.

Who gets a cataract?

Cataracts are mostly in older people. Diabetes, steroid use and trauma can however, prematurely lead to cataracts. Reading in poor lighting and not wearing your glasses does not cause cataracts. Smoking and sunlight have also been associated with greater risk of cataracts.

How do you prevent cataracts?

There are no clear guidelines. However sunglasses with UV protection are beneficial in the harsh Australian sun. If you are diabetic, then good sugar control should help reduce a number of eye complications including cataracts.

When do you treat cataracts?

A cataract does not always warrant surgery. The most common reason for performing cataract surgery is when reduced vision impacts an individual's life. Other reasons for performing cataract surgery include correcting angle closure glaucoma and to eliminate the need for glasses.  No, cataracts do not have to become mature or hard before surgery can be done. This last criteria is outdated and hampers quick recovery.

How do you treat cataracts?

Glasses cannot cure cataracts. Buying new glasses is akin to placing a clear window in front of a cloudy window (the cataract) and therefore does not help. An operation is required to correct a cataract.

Every patient's eye is measured before surgery and lenses are ordered to suit the specific needs of the individual. Modern lenses allow for the correction of astigmatism, for the elimination of distance glasses, and in some cases even reading glasses.

The vast majority of cataracts are performed as a day stay procedure, unless the patient has other serious health issues which warrant observation for 24 hours. During the operation, the eye is put to sleep and small incisions are made to remove the cataracts. The cataract is then removed and a new artificial lens is inserted into the eye.

After surgery, patients are discharged from hospital and asked to commence drops the same day. They are seen the following day, then at one week and one month. During the recovery period of 10 days we ask that the patient not do any strenous activity, not wet their eyes, and wash their hands before administering drops. Where needed glasses may be changed 4 weeks after surgery.

For detailed information on pre- and postoperative care click here.